What Does Tagline Mean In A Dating Site

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January is a boom month for the online dating industry as millions turn to the internet to find love. But composing a profile that makes you sound fascinating and unique is harder than it sounds.

Post-Christmas to the Wednesday after Valentine's Day is the peak season for dating websites, according to Plenty of Fish's Sarah Gooding.

In the process, millions of people will try to summarise their characters in just a few paragraphs. But anyone who browses a few profiles will quickly become very familiar with a handful of phrases.

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This betrays its author's discomfort about using an internet dating site, says William Doherty, professor of family social science at the University of Minnesota.

For him, it shows that there is still a stigma to online dating.

'When people are in a setting where they feel there's some stigma, they like to talk as if they are unfamiliar with it,' he says.

I love laughing

Dating coach Laurie Davis loves laughing at this generic assertion. She is paid to rewrite people's dating profiles and this is one of the phrases she sees - and urges her clients to ditch - time and time again.

'Doesn't everyone love laughing?' she says. 'They are trying to show that they are fun and that they have a light-hearted side, but it means nothing.'

Other meaningless phrases, she says, include: 'I'm a glass half-full kind of person.' Then there's: 'I try to see the best in every situation.' But it's highly unlikely that someone looking to attract a mate would ever say: 'I try to see the worst in every situation.'

Davis says the problem with phrases like these is that they don't help with the main purpose of the profile - they're not 'prompts' that act as conversation-starters.

'You can't start a conversation by saying, 'I see you love laughing. I love laughing too.' If you love comedy shows, though, that's a conversation-starter,' she says.

I like going out and staying in

'In other words, you like existing,' jokes serial online dater Willard Foxton.

The anonymous 'single mother on the edge', who writes Gappy Tales, writes in her blog that she would 'take a vow of celibacy' if she saw this phrase one more time. 'Why do perfectly intelligent people write that?' she asks.

Covering too many bases is a particular bugbear of Ben England. The 28-year-old marketing director was only on Guardian Soulmates for one month before he found his girlfriend. But he had enough time to be irked by descriptions in profiles that were consciously trying to please everyone.

In his blog, Everyday Heartbreak, he takes particular displeasure at someone who lists liking going to public lectures at the London School of Economics - along with stripy tops.

Looking for my partner in crime

Some people may even go as far as to specify they are after a Bonnie to their Clyde - or vice versa.

This is an attempt to be light-hearted, says Doherty. 'It's not heavy, it's saying 'I'm a normal person, I'm interesting, I'm low-key - I don't have all these deep needs that are going to bother you.' It's a way of saying, 'Hey, I'm a jolly fellow' but there aren't a lot of ways of saying that.'

It keeps popping up because most people have a limited vocabulary for expressing what they want romantically, he adds.

I'm here for some good banter

'They are saying, 'I don't need anything deep,' says Doherty. 'I'm having fun - so to say 'I'm not desperate, I'm low-key, I'm safe.'

'It's all a way to say I'm not going to be a burden to you, to push too hard to get serious too fast.'

Lists of descriptors such as smart, attractive, romantic, thoughtful, trustworthy, sexy, passionate, fearless, honest or friendly are labelled 'empty adjectives' by dating coach Erika Ettin.

She says on the advice blog for the dating site Plenty of Fish that the problem is that these words 'can't be proven until someone gets to know you'.

'This is where the concept of 'show, don't tell' really comes into play. For example, rather than saying that you're funny, say something that you find funny.'

'A list of adjectives doesn't mean very much,' says Davis. People may say they're funny, but how? Is that humour going to resonate with a potential partner? People say they're kind but unless they demonstrate that, it's meaningless. 'It's better to show it in actions,' Davis explains.

Davis also takes issue with starting sentences with 'My friends say...'

'That doesn't speak very confidently of you,' she says. 'It seems like you're not comfortable about yourself.'

I like walks in the park, watching movies and going to the pub on Sunday for roast dinner

Along with its cousin - 'I like Sunday brunch in the pub with the papers and trawling round bric-a-brac markets' - this is a potentially bland description of weekend leisure time.

Doherty thinks this kind of stuff is appropriated from romantic comedies, novels and reading other people's profiles. 'It's all saying, 'I'm a regular person.'

My friends (and family) are really important to me

England highlights this as one of his top meaningless phrases. 'It tells you absolutely nothing about someone. Find me someone that doesn't think their friends are important to them,' he says.

His point is that far too many people put their likes as things that it's very rare to dislike. 'One put that she likes sunshine. Really?'

My life is fab. I just need someone to share it with

Usually accompanied by a fulsome description of a high-powered, achievement-filled and cosmopolitan life.

Doherty says this is signalling that 'I'm not desperate, I'm not needy, I'm not lonely. I'm a very happy, full person. My already rich life would be enhanced'.

He says people who say phrases like this are trying to say 'being on here does not mean that I have deficits as a person'. The reason people feel the need to state how good their life is is because they still feel uncomfortable being involved in online dating, Doherty suggests.

I'm easy-going

Variations on this are 'I'm laid back' and 'I'm down to earth.' In his list of 10 things he hates about Plenty of Fish profiles, Greg Hendricks writes that these are so common that he ignores profiles that include them.

'What are any of these even supposed to mean? These stock traits are in so many profiles, I practically skip right over them.'

Plus, who would ever describe themselves otherwise, says Foxton. 'No-one thinks, 'I'm really uptight.'

A variant on this is 'I like cosying up in front of the fire'. It's a phrase that irks Match.com's chief scientist Helen Fisher. She says people should avoid it.

'These are things that we see in the movies. It seems to be linked with intimacy and they don't have the imagination to come up with what is meaningful to them. It's boring and shows no creativity.'

The key lies always in being specific, according to Gooding.

'One thing I see a lot of in profile descriptions are really generic descriptions. So a typical description would be 'I'm a fun active girl who likes to hang out with her friends and watch movies'. So you've pretty much described everyone on the website.'

Genuine guy seeking genuine girl/guy

'Western culture values authenticity,' says Doherty. But trying to demonstrate one's sincerity very often appears contrived.

'It's saying 'I'm in this fake setting, but I'm telling you I'm genuine even though I'm doing this thing that feels weird.' But he warns against 'over-asserting'. Normal people don't feel the need to prove themselves.

'No-one is saying, 'I'm running out of people to date, I just want to find someone to marry, have children with and grow old with - that is my deep need,' says Doherty.

I enjoy long walks on the beach at sunset

As an anthropologist, Fisher says she understands that people are trying to express their love of nature, downtime and intimacy.

But it doesn't help them stand out from the crowd. 'The bottom line is, who wouldn't want both of those scenarios?'

Dating coach Julie Spira concurs. She suggests on dating website Your Tango that it makes people look unoriginal. 'Putting it on your profile just makes it look like you've copied and read every other profile on the internet.'

England isn't a fan of profiles where all the photos show the dater in an impoverished country doing something mildly dangerous. According to him, 'we've seen it all before'.

Greg Hendricks echoes this complaint. 'People who put this in their profile are trying to sound adventurous and diverse, but in actuality they sound just like every other profile.'

The Muddy Matches blog suggests people bring this up time and again because talking about travel is also a good way to establish common interests, but it warns 'don't jabber on about your trip for ages without drawing breath. Try to find out where you've both been and where you'd both love to go'.

Attitude towards height is one of the most curious aspects about straight dating sites. Women looking for men often demand someone over 6ft and men often lie about how tall they are.

Foxton says that when he was on his mission to date 28 women, what seemed to surprise them most was that he was exactly the height he had said he was. Dating website OK Cupid notes that this is the most lied about aspect on online dating. On average, it suggests, people are two inches shorter than they say they are.

Fisher says men lie about two things - their height and their salary. Women lie about their weight and their age to emphasise their child-bearing potential.

Don't get in contact if you don't know the difference between 'your' and 'you're'

Grammar fanatics are over-represented on some online dating sites. But it's not always advisable to advertise just how important apostrophe usage is to you.

'Your profile isn't a place to vent. It's somewhere you're trying to find someone fabulous,' says Davis.

But the problem is deeper than that for her. 'People are trying to attract someone who is educated, someone who has a distaste for bad grammar, but there are many people who are not educated who know the difference between your and you're.'

I'm a 42-year-old man looking for a 27-year-old woman


Christian Rudder argues on the OK Cupid blog that while the ratio of men to women on straight dating sites stays stable as people get older, the male fixation on youth distorts the dating pool.

He says data from the website suggests that as men get older, the age gap they might countenance beneath them widens.

So a 31-year-old man might look for someone between 22 to 35 - up to nine years younger than him. A 42-year-old might look for a woman up to 15 years younger than him, Rudder suggests.

But the men's stated age range doesn't tell the full story. When Rudder looked at men's messaging habits, he found they were pursuing women even younger than their stated age range.

'I'm not going to stalk you,' is the subtext behind a range of commonly seen phrases, suggests Doherty.

'It's the ultimate stranger dating so it's not surprising that there is this emphasis on safety and normality.'

It's not a phrase to take at face value, he says. It's a good idea to be suspicious of anyone who has to assert that they are normal.

What Does Tagline Mean In A Dating Site

I don't watch television

An increasingly common statement on some dating sites. It's often a prelude to a list of varied and often esoteric interests from someone who is 'achingly hip, unflinchingly bright and invariably bearded', as Guardian Soulmates daters are described on Bella Battle's blog.

'With any other dating site, I can peddle out a profile with the usual likes and dislikes and some junk about country pubs and DVDs,' she writes.

It's not enough to be average. 'You have to have hobbies too - hobbies so boldly idiosyncratic they make you unlike any other person on the planet. The first guy I went on a date with from Soulmates was into astronomy and 17th century harpsichord music.'

'It's not accepting the truth. Why are you lying about something? It doesn't matter whether you met them in Waitrose in a club or on the internet. What matters is that you have met each other.'

Again, for Doherty, it indicates that people are still uncomfortable about looking for love on the internet. This is changing, Davis notes in the Huffington Post. She cites Pew research to mark 'the official demise of the online dating stigma'. Some 59% of internet users agree that 'online dating is a good way to meet people' and 42% of Americans know an online dater.

Plenty of Fish also gives a sense of the scale of online dating. It says its own data from Comscore from 2012 in the US shows they have 55 million members, 24 million messages sent per day, 50,000 new signups per day, and 10 billion page views every month.

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If you’ve ever visited the Kajabi homepage, you know we have a tagline: “You’re serious about your online business. We are too.”

It succinctly and clearly tells you what we’re about: helping entrepreneurs be wildly successful with their online businesses.

Let’s go over what a tagline is, why it’s important and how you can create an impactful tagline for your business.

What is a tagline?

In business, a tagline is one or two phrases that provides clarity, entertainment, or emphasis to help highlight a brand's mission, purpose, or culture. Taglines help consumers feel more connected to brands.

You might have noticed that, in television commercials, taglines are repeated multiple times. The reason for that is to get those taglines stuck in your head. Here are a few popular taglines that you can likely instantly associate with the brand.

  • Got Milk?
  • Just Do It.
  • I’m Lovin’ It.
  • Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline

The last one also includes the brand name and that’s okay. You don’t have to be as large of a company as Nike to benefit from a tagline. A tagline can help you stand out from the crowd.

Your customers might remember your business because of your name or your company's name, but a tagline can make you even more memorable.

What is the difference between a tagline and a slogan?

Let's make a couple of distinctions so we don't get confused. Taglines sometimes get interchanged with slogans but these are two different types of marketing ploys.

A tagline applies to an entire business.

Let's say you have a photography online course business. Your business's name might be Mikaela’s Photography Lessons. Your tagline could be “Great Photos For Everyone.”

That tagline applies to any digital products that you create, wether you are selling online training courses or membership sites. You would also use that tagline on any marketing collateral that you create.

A slogan typically applies to a single product or branch of the business. Maybe you create online courses for both beginner and advanced photographers. In that case, you could create a slogan for your beginner courses like, 'Get Your Lens Wet.' A slogan for your advanced courses might look like this: 'Take Your Photos To The Next Level.'

The slogan only applies to the specific product or set of products that you developed it for.

What is the difference between a tagline and a logo?

A logo is typically a graphic mark that represents a business and makes it easily identifiable. You can see the Kajabi logo above.

It's our name in all capital, sans-serif type with a stylized letter K preceding it. You couldn't mistake our logo for our tagline because they are nothing alike.

Generally speaking, a logo is the business's name as well as some type of illustrative design. Logos of all types exist, from incredibly simple ones like Google's to far more ornate and complicated designs.

Consider creating both a logo and a tagline. Your tagline doesn't need any special design element to make it stand out. However, you might want to hire a professional designer to create your logo.

Why does your business need a tagline?

A tagline helps make your business more memorable by creating an impression. You want that impression to be as positive and uplifting as possible.

You can accomplish that by creating a tagline that encapsulates your business in just a few words. It's easier said than done.

Think of your online business as any other entity. You create products that you hope people will buy so that you can generate revenue and continue to sell your knowledge. A tagline allows you to extend your first impression beyond your logo and whatever content a consumer happens across.

What types of taglines exist?

You might have noticed that businesses develop taglines of varying lengths and content. Some are just one or two words, while others extend into one or two sentences.

There's no right way to develop a tagline. You need a tagline that represents your business and communicates to potential customers exactly what you offer.

Some taglines ask questions. They make people think. For example, the tagline, 'Got Milk?' makes consumers think about milk. Importantly, it also makes people crave milk. This tagline establishes desire.

Other taglines make a concrete statement.

Disney's tagline, 'The Happiest Place On Earth,' communicates a clear idea. It tells people in no uncertain terms that Disney is the happiest place in the world.

Other taglines communicate a clear benefit. They tell the consumer what they can expect by patronizing the business.

Maxwell's tagline is, 'Good to the last drop.' It tells consumers that Maxwell coffee continues to satisfy until the mug is empty.

You can take inspiration from these types of taglines to create your own. In your own Knowledge Commerce business, focusing on benefits might be your best bet.

Since you teach a specific concept or topic, focus on letting consumers know what they can get out of your online courses and other digital products. How exactly will they benefit? What makes your digital products better than everyone else's?

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How to develop a tagline: tips for making a memorable impression

If you're ready to create a tagline, let's go over some of the best practices for creating a memorable impression. The better your tagline, the more customers will remember you.


You might be familiar with the acronym, 'Keep It Simple, Stupid Smarty.' It's a good piece of advice for many different business ventures. Complex taglines are less memorable because they're more difficult to solidify in the mind.

Think about your most complex password for a website or software program. It's difficult for hackers and other criminals to gas because of its complexity. Yet, it's also more difficult for you to remember.

A password like your dog's name or the name of the first street lived on sticks in your brain because it's memorable and simple. A password like 'X4!gT<1*' isn't memorable at all, which makes it more safe.

Your tagline doesn't need to be safe. It needs to be memorable.

Focus on keeping your messaging and your words as simple as possible. Don't use a long word when a short one will do. Similarly, get your message across in as few words as possible.

2. Less “mad men,” more meaning

Back in the days of advertising's glory, men and women sat in conference rooms and brainstormed clever, often meaningless taglines to impress their clients. Those days of advertising are over.

Don't channel 'Mad Men' when developing your tagline. You don't need the Draper touch.

Instead, you need a tagline that people will understand as soon as they read it. Consumers don't like to have to puzzle over a tagline to understand its meaning. They want you to get to the point as quickly as possible.

A generic tagline can apply to any business. Consider a tagline like 'Made For You.' What type of business might this tagline belong to?

It could be a Knowledge Commerce business, a toy manufacturer, a brand of toilet paper, or a line of furniture. It's completely generic.

Avoid a generic tagline if you want to make an impression on your prospective customers. Create a tagline that can only apply to the type of business you run.

3. Storytelling at its finest

The best taglines tell a story. One of the finest examples of this type of tagline comes from Verizon Wireless: “Can You Hear Me Now?” It was often illustrated in commercials with a man walking across an entire city with a phone tacked to his ear, constantly asking, “Can you hear me now?”

Why did this tagline resonate? Because everyone could relate to it. These days, smartphone signals seem imminently reliable but that wasn’t true even five or six years ago. Dead zones happened everywhere and people constantly found themselves moving a few feet and asking, “Okay, how about now?”

It also told a story: the story of people everywhere who simply wanted to make a call and hear what the other person was saying. It simultaneously communicated a problem and a solution.

You can see another form of storytelling in Timex’s timeless tagline: “It Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’.” The story is clear here, as well. Timex wants consumers to know that dropping their watch on the floor won’t necessitate a new purchase.

It says, in a memorable way, that Timex watches are durable and reliable.

4. Bring on the benefits

Consumers are swayed by benefits, not features. They probably don’t care that a watch has fewer moving parts or that its face is made of some space-age material. Instead, they care that the internal workings will continue to last for years to come and that the face won’t crack if you drop it on the sidewalk.

That’s why you should focus your taglines on the benefits of your business.

M&M’s famous tagline does this well: “It melts in your mouth, not in your hand.” There’s a clear benefit here. You can eat M&M’s right out of your palm without smearing chocolate all over your skin.

That’s a simple benefit, but it works.

Wheaties did something similar with its tagline, “Breakfast of Champions.” With this tagline, the cereal company said its product would help turn the consumer into a champion through its nutritional content.

You can do the same for your online business. What benefits can your customers expect to receive after buying your digital products? How will their lives become better, easier, or more efficient?

5. Make your taglines clear

Murkiness doesn’t benefit taglines. If you weigh down your tagline with too many details, you’ll confuse the consumer and dilute your message.

Always seek to clarify your message. Don’t use words that could mean something else. Avoid saying something so obscure that prospective customers will wonder what exactly you’re trying to say.

Consider Prego’s tagline, “Prego … It’s in There.” This tagline worked for television commercials because actors could illustrate it on the screen. But when you simply hear the words, you’re not sure what they mean. This is especially true if you don’t know what Prego is.

The commercial referred to the fact that Prego spaghetti sauce contained all the delicious ingredients that would go into a homemade sauce.

For your Knowledge Commerce business, you don’t want to muddy the waters. Focus on creating a tagline that consumers can understand the second they read or hear it.

7UP did this well with one of its taglines, “The Uncola.” It’s simple, clear, direct, and unmistakable.

6. What’s your Why?

You might have heard Simon Sinek’s famous TED talk about finding your business’ Why. It's an important process for every entrepreneur because you need to know why you are in business and what drives you to succeed.

Digital entrepreneurs often find it easier to find their Why because they're driven by a specific mission. You may want to teach people a subject in which you are an expert, whether because you hope to help people or because you're passionate about the topic, or both.

Knowing your Why is important but if you can communicate it through your tagline, you'll have reached a rare form of marketing success. It's difficult to communicate your Why in very few words.

Wrigley’s accomplished this with the tagline, “Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun.” It communicates the benefits of its famous gum, of course, but it also illustrates the company’s Why.

Wrigley’s wanted to inspire pleasure and enjoyment with their product. It’s clear from the tagline that the company was interested in manufacturing a product that wouldn’t just bring great taste, but also pleasure.

7. Get people talking

Have you ever had a post go viral on Facebook? You get 10,000 Likes, even more shares, and the glow that comes with marketing success.

We like it when people talk about our businesses. While you certainly want customers to talk about your digital products, you can also inspire conversations in other ways.

A great tagline often does this well. Marketers might mention your tagline as an example of excellence, just as we’ve done several times with other businesses in this article. Consumers might share your tagline on Facebook, either because it’s funny or memorable, or both.

It’s not easy to achieve, but you can play with different linguistic concepts to help make your tagline more shareable.

For instance, rhyming is always pleasant to the ear. That’s why poetry has survived through hundreds of years. We already mentioned Timex’s tagline, “It’s Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’.” The rhyming words make it even more appealing.

Alliteration can also help. If most of the words in your tagline start with the same letter, the phrase becomes more memorable and the tagline more shareable.

Other options include:

  • A play on words
  • Homonyms
  • Homophones.

Just make sure that you’re using these literary techniques on purpose. Accidentally substituting a word for its homonym might make your tagline shareable, but not in a good way.

What Does Tagline Mean In A Dating Site List

8. Less is more

Some of the shortest taglines in history are also the most popular. Remember “Do You … Yahoo?” It was a popular tagline because people repeated it as a joke and because it was short and sweet.

Less is always more when it comes to taglines and slogans. Campbell Soup is another great example: “Mmm, Mmm, Good.” Clear and simple, but unmistakable.

9. Google is your friend

The last thing you want to do is create a tagline that already exists. Not only will you infringe on another business’s intellectual property but you’ll also instantly brand your business as uncreative and unoriginal.

That’s not a good start for your digital business.

After you create a tagline, wrap it in quotes and Google it. You might find exact matches that aren’t taglines — don’t worry about those. You’re looking for businesses and websites that have used that tagline as their own.

Don’t panic if you find your tagline is being used. You can easily tweak it to make it more original. Change a few words or move the phrasing around. Get creative.

Also, this is a good excuse to brainstorm a few taglines that you love. Three is a good number to start with. You might like them all equally. Searching on Google could narrow down the choices based on what already exists.

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Examples of impressive taglines

Let’s break down why some great taglines work. This might help you create one of your own.

Let’s start with Airbnb, a travel company. “Belong Anywhere” is one of Airbnb’s most famous taglines and it works for several reasons.

The idea behind this tagline creates a connection between the company purpose and its potential customers. People often feel adrift when they stay in cold, sterile hotel rooms that lack personality and the warmth of personal touches. Airbnb offers to help eliminate that problem by offering homes or local rooms to stay in.

“Belong Anywhere” promises consumers that they can feel right at home even when they’re traveling to another city or even across the world. They can stay in someone else’s home and enjoy all the creature comforts that come with such accommodations.

Then you have Coca-Cola, which has gone through many taglines over the years. One of its most famous was “Things Go Better With Coke.” This is a benefit tagline that tells consumers they can enjoy a carbonated beverage no matter what they like to eat or do.

You can take inspiration from this tagline by creating an inclusive tagline of your own. Showcase the benefits of your products and show why you’re the best.

The General Electric tagline suggests creativity and innovation: “We Bring Good Things to Life.” Based on this tagline, we can infer that GE takes great ideas and concepts and turns them into usable, dependable products.

You can use a tagline like this in Knowledge Commerce, too. You’re selling knowledge or digital products but you’re also selling the result of that knowledge.

Maybe you teach online courses on health and fitness. People can learn how to eat more nutritious meals, exercise safely, and build muscle while burning fat. But what are the results of that knowledge?

Improved health. More stamina. Greater strength. A toned body.

You can see how brainstorming will make your taglines come to life.

Now, let’s look at the Jared tagline: “He Went to Jared.” Most people have heard this phrase if they watch television or listen to the radio.

We’re looking at an emotional headline here. The idea suggests that everyone will congratulate you for going to Jared’s for jewelry. It’s designed to appeal to social proof without actually using any social proof, which is tough to pull off.

We’ve all heard MasterCard’s tagline, which has been used for countless Internet memes: “There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s MasterCard.”

What Does Tagline Mean In A Dating Site Name

This is one of the longer taglines, but it still works because it tells a compelling story. It acknowledges that some things are priceless, as you’ve likely seen in the commercials, but that you can depend on MasterCard for the things you need.

Taglines can help your business draw new customers

Do you need a tagline for youronline business? Yes, if you want to set yourself apart from the competition. A memorable tagline can be worth considerable sales down the line.

Here are the tips for creating a great tagline:

  • Make sure to keep your tagline simple. Inject meaning into every word
  • Tell a story with your tagline
  • Focus on the benefits of your business
  • Clarify the “Why” of your business
  • Look at great taglines as examples.
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What Does Tagline Mean In A Dating Site Meaning

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